Monday, 9 November 2015

A Must have hair product!

So once upon a time i strolled across batiste dry shampoo  and I haven't looked back since!  It has become my go to product for my hair!

  I mainly use this product to add volume and texture into my hair,  as my hair is what people call 'Virgin hair' aka hair that hasn't been destroyed with hair dye so my hair doesn't really hold well when it has just been washed and  normally just falls out. So i normally need to wait for that second day hair to keep the style i like without it falling out! I like a  lot of volume in my hair so I back comb the heck out of it and without this bastise it will drop out within half an hour or so and if you're going out then this is just the start of a disastrous outcome! 
Batiste is normally used for a dry shampoo, which does come in so handy on those days that you just cannot be bothered to wash your hair, this fits the bill! Just simply spray it into the roots of the hair, give it a little rub into the scalp and you're good to go! Your hair looks like it is clean! On those lazy mornings this is a life saver so we can get them extra ZZZZZZZZZZ's! 
If I were to put anything on my hair it has to smell good! And oh my this is good! I currently have the fruity cherry smell, I absolutely love it! I sometimes just spray it in my hair just for the smell! 
You can purchase this product in your local drug store! I am keen to try out all the different smells of batiste! 

After spraying hair 
Before Spraying hair
 So here you can see the difference from before and after i used batiste spray! On the Left is the picture of after my hair is sprayed and you can see there is a lot more volume in the hair compared to the photo on the right. The hair had just been washed and blasted with the hair dryer, i always try and dry my hair with as much volume as i can to help! Apologies for the lack of makeup in both photos! ( i know halloween has gone) 

+Batiste Shampoo Seco 

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