Monday, 4 January 2016

Seeing in a new light

So its been awhile since i last blogged due to the festive christmas period and more hours at work with the added stress of moving house! But i intend to resume my blog posts on mondays and wednesdays! 
Now we have entered 2016 and we are all hoping it brings us wealth and happiness and we are all starting the 'new year new me' phase i thought i wont go down that same route everyone seems to go down for a few weeks and return to the exact same person as they were. 

Instead i thought id just simply do what my blog was intended for and say what is on my mind.  (Probably be a tad of a ramble) 

So since returning back to work after christmas, i have noticed a lot, i kind of woke up one morning and just started seeing things in a different light, towards people, objects, every thing basically. I don't really know how to describe this feeling (lets hope it doesn't last, unless it does me good).
One thing i noticed was that people are so ungrateful!Something id never really seen in others before, but as conversations went on i noticed things they were saying and i just thought wow that is so ungrateful. Christmas is a time of giving, receiving, love and family. I find the giving part the best and even if its something small its the thought that counts right?  Wrong it seems. Overhearing conversations saying how they didn't even open their christmas presents and threw them straight into the bin, because they could tell what it was just by giving it a little shake and said they didn't want that. I just thought  to myself someone has gone and spent their precious time and money on something for you just for it to go straight into the bin. You could have donated it to a homeless shelter or a food bank,  i don't know but somewhere other than the bin. It could have been someones only christmas present that year. 

Another thing i have seem to only just notice is how people just use other people. Someone who is willing to help others but when they need the help no one batters an eye lid. Id say if that was me being 'used' id just start fresh with everything, why do you need people who just uses someone. 

Maybe seeing things in a different light is a good thing and can help towards situations, who knows but its certainly opened my eyes. 

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